
Hi there, my name is Jenn Johnson. I’m a wife and boy mama. Yep, I have 3 boys ages 16, 12 and 7 šŸ™‚ You can imagine that life is pretty exciting around my house, and you’d be right. I grew up writing and love how words on paper can become like an image in your head. I can’t draw for the life of me, but words can be drawn can’t they?!

I grew up a city girl in Southern California until three years ago when my family made a big leap and moved to Michigan. Now I’m living life out in the country. Seeing deer and turkey strolling across my front yard is not uncommon, and I still laugh when I see big tractors rolling down the dirt road outside my window. I love it though! Country life suits me just fine.

My blog is about whatever is in my heart…Love, Loss, Food, Parenting, God, Friendship, Yoga. Be prepared to journey with me through many subjects. I hope you enjoy what I write and that you will ‘like’ and leave a comment for me. I love to hear feedback.

Thanks for stopping by.

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