Body love · body positivity · ditch the diet · Happiness · Life · Self confidence · Self-love · Thoughts · Words

Imperfectly Perfect

Wearing a black one-piece bathing suit, the pattern just a simple solid, I make my way to the shoreline,

the unfamiliar feeling of freedom coursing through my veins.

I’m not worrying about how my body looks,

not caring about what others are thinking of me.

I am simply present in the moment.

I feel the heat of the sun on my back, 

the way the soft breeze plays with my hair, 

the feel of the gritty sand between my toes,

and a realization comes to me,

I have finally accepted myself, 

and in doing so I have let go of fear.

The fear of not being good enough. 

The fear of other people’s judgment.  

The fear of MY judgment whenever I faced a mirror.

I’m as vulnerable as I’ll ever be in this bathing suit, 

but I am not hiding, 

I am not covering up.

I am not afraid. 

This is me.

This is who I am. 


Imperfectly perfect, me.

Faith · friends · Happiness · Life · love · Self confidence · Self-love · Thoughts · Words


I like being alone but I also like being around people.

I am outgoing but I am also shy.

I can be wild and crazy but also calm and sane.

I live in reality most days but others my head is in the clouds.

I long to make friends, to bond with others but I think most people are mean.

I want to be authentically me but then I wear a mask way too often.

I am a mix of sweet and sour, yin and yang.

I am restless but always hopeful.

Sometimes sad, with a dash of loneliness.

I try my best and often fail. But I keep trying.

I believe in God but have a lot of questions.

I’m late to pretty much everything because I hate time, so I rarely look at clocks.

I want simplicity but I also long for things.

I am strong with a little side of weak.

I can be organized in the physical sense and messy in the mental one.

Most days I am endlessly searching for meaning and most likely looking in the wrong places.

I am light and dark, push and pull.

I am human, marred, imperfect.

Just a woman, trying to navigate her life so that at the end of it, I have the fewest regrets.

Change · grief · Life · loss · Parenting · Relationships · Self confidence · Self-love · Thoughts · Toxic Parenting · Words

It’s Time…

I wake to the sound of music blaring. My alarm clock telling me the day has started. I steal a quick glance at the red blare that is the time and hit the snooze button. I lie back down, my head sinking once again in the soft, grey pillow. It’s still dark outside and I want to go back to sleep more than anything, but I have things to do. I have no other option but to wake up. My eyes feel groggy and my mind feels heavy. I didn’t sleep well last night. My mind kept racing over events of the day and it kept me from finding any peace in the quietness of the night. Now I am at once, thinking over things again, not even 2 minutes after I awake.

Life sometimes feels so heavy and burdensome. I feel like I’m given way more than I can handle and not the proper tools to handle them with. There is this life I want, the one I am trying to build and then there is the life I have, my past, that I can’t seem to shake. I think maybe because I keep revisiting what already happened and I keep trying to fix it, make it different now, in the future. Why can’t I realize that I can’t change things, it’s not within my power. I’m tired of feeling a lack of worth. I’m tired of having this hole inside of me that I keep trying to fill. I’m tired of punishing myself with what I did, what I should’ve done and a thousand regrets.

Often I look at my age and wonder how I got to be this old already and things are still going on like this. I want to make you love me like I needed all these years. I want to help you see how you wronged me and I want you to apologize. I want to be able to have a relationship with you that is healthy and good. I reach out to you, I try to talk to you, I let you back in again and again and again but still you are unchanged. I love you because you raised me and there are some good parts of you I remember but I can’t keep subjecting myself to you. Every time we try, the pieces of me I have built, all the hard work I have done, start crumbling down. These years we have been apart I have become someone else, a person that is stronger, more confident, less angry. I have discovered things about myself I never knew before. I have bloomed and grown into a life I love. I have no room for toxic people, negativity, manipulation, guilt, and lies. You can choose to not see the truth and create your own reality but I want no part of it. I know what happened, I know the truth. For most of my life, I have been dragging you along, hoping to change you, now I see how much of a burden that has been and how impossible a feat. I am tired and my life is not being lived the way it should. You are older. You may not have a lot of years left on this earth and I hate to think of years going by, with us not speaking, and one day getting the call that you have passed. I wish more than anything, we could have a relationship. I will miss you like I have been. I will grieve for the mother I never had but always wanted. This is the last time I will try. This is the last time I will say goodbye. I will always love you but, from afar and quietly.

Blaring music once again fills the room and I quickly shut it off. I can do this. I need to do this. It is time once again to let you go. This time for good. So I rise up, out of bed, and begin to take back my life. Little by little. Piece by piece. 

Change · Christian · Faith · God · Happiness · Life · Religion · Self confidence · Self-love · Thoughts · Words


Give yourself room to grow today.  

Listen for that voice, the slight whisper, that you often ignore. It’s your intuition, your spirit, guiding you. 

Watch for signs that light the way and confirm you are heading in the right direction. Some coincidences are hints that you are on the right path, ready for a breakthrough. Pay attention to them.

Be brave enough to make mistakes by trying, yet be humble enough to admit when you are wrong. 

Count your blessings and name them if you need reminding. Oftentimes we get so busy searching for ‘things’ we forget what we already have. 

Be okay in the not knowing and hold tight to patience. God is working things out for you. It just may not be in the time you expected.

Don’t go looking for happiness in possessions or other people. Authentic happiness can only be found inside of you. It’s always there and it’s always free. Searching for it elsewhere will only lead to discontentment.

Put your phone down for a while and look up and around. Take in the sky, the clouds, the birds, the treetops. Take in life, you will never find peace if you are always connected. 

Take a moment to kneel. Thank God that you woke up today. That you still have chances and opportunities. That you have another day to be because tomorrow could arrive but there is no promise that you will see it.

Live with reckless abandon. 

Pursue life.

It will all go by too fast and you only get this one shot.

Faith · Happiness · Life · love · Poetry · Self confidence · Starting over · Thoughts · Words

Made New


Everyday you are made new.

Fresh starts.

New possibilities.





Everyday is an opportunity to be born again.

To say yes to what you need to and no to what you don’t.

You will never be the person you were yesterday nor the one you will be tomorrow.

Twenty-four hours can set you on a totally different course.

Wake up and rise.

Be present on purpose.

Watch the sun rise and set.

Look for the good.

Everyday hold grace, forgiveness, honesty and joy close by.

Take a chance to live the life you so desperately want.

Because one day you’ll run out of every days.

Faith · Happiness · Life · love · Relationships · Self confidence · Self-love · Words

Read this book now!

I just love Brené Brown, and this book, The Gifts of Imperfection, is a must read for everyone.

I’ve been highlighting so many words of wisdom in this book and this right here really spoke to me 💕 It is how I would describe myself to a tee. I am constantly searching for worthiness in others opinions of me and in society in general. I have this idea about how I should be and so I tuck away parts of me when I’m around others and give them the pieces of me I think they want to see because if they really saw who I am they would run. So in a way I am performing, perfecting, pleasing and proving all the time and let me tell you….it is exhausting. I stand outside of my story almost daily and distance myself from who I am while trying to figure out who I want to be. Life is tough but it’s even tougher when you don’t love yourself or feel like you belong. I’m ready to stand in the middle of my story and embrace it…even the messy and ugly parts because I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t have this story to tell. This book is encouraging me to fully begin to understand myself and to find my worth inside of me, not from the world. Because I want to make the best of this life I’ve been given and not cheat myself out of all I am and all I can become.

Beauty · Happiness · Life · love · Poetry · Self confidence · Self-love · Words


She wanted to be loved in a way that was completely unconditional but all the love she found had strings.

She wanted to be looked at like a beautiful sunset falling into the smoothest ocean on a clear day but no one ever looked at her like that.

She wanted to be held in two arms that felt like safety. Once she was in them, her fears would melt away like ice cream on a hot day.

She journeyed for years, always searching. Always looking, yet all roads led back to her being alone.

She cried when others found what she wanted, not because she wasn’t happy for them, but because every time she felt that hole inside of her growing deeper and wider.

Oh how she longed to belong.

And then one day she stopped. Stopped looking. Stopped wanting and decided that maybe what she wanted wasn’t outside, in the world, but inside of her, waiting to be unlocked and then opened.

And so she sang and danced. She read books and ran. She drew pretty pictures and stood in rain storms. She became passionate about her life and all the things she could do.

And one day she realized how happy she was.

She celebrated life everyday and in turn life became a celebration.

Then one starry night, she found a road she hadn’t seen before and began to skip joyously down it, following with the light of the moonlit beams above.

This road went straight. It was an easy road.

At the end of it stood love.

When he saw her he said “There you are. I have been waiting quite awhile for you to find me, but first you had to find yourself.” Then he opened his arms wide, like giant wings, and she stepped into them and suddenly she was home.

Beauty · Happiness · Life · love · Poetry · Self confidence · Self-love · Words

Set Free


She is not lost, just waiting to be discovered. 

She wanders aimlessly, looking into the mirror for answers.

Considering her reflection as a way to tell the truth about herself. 

But her reflection is just that, a reflection of the outer self. 

A view of just a small piece of the entire part.

If only she would look inward, the truth would be revealed

and that glass mirror would shatter, it’s meaning gone.

She would be set free from her own restraints

and her life would have new meaning. 

She just hasn’t discovered this truth yet, but she will soon. 

And when she does, watch out,

because the world will get to see her bloom. 

And her garden will be so full of beauty

where once there were just seeds waiting to be planted. 



Body love · body positivity · boy mom · ditch the diet · Eating recovery · Happiness · Life · Mom life · Parenting · Relationships · Self confidence · Self-love · Words

My Three Sons


I missed the first few months of all three of my boys lives. Not physically but mentally. My mind was consumed with how my body looked after giving birth, all the weight I’d have to lose, the clothes I needed to fit back into, the exercises I’d have to do. My new mom mind was not preoccupied with all things baby, as it should have been, but on me getting my body back. I did this all three times I gave birth, not learning anything from the previous time. 

I was twenty-six when I gave birth to my first son and newly out of my bulimia. Becoming pregnant forced me into a reality check to lose the bingeing and purging cycle. I had more to think about than myself and so I quit cold turkey. I wanted to start being a good mom right away. As my belly grew though, I remember having concerns about my rising weight and worrying it would stay on me permanately but I ate what I craved and started a simple yoga routine. 

I was thirty when I gave birth to my second son and in-between those two pregnancies my bulimia was pretty much nil, but she would show up from time to time and remind me of certain foods that were off-limits. I gave birth, having gained the same amount of weight as the first time around, and yet still worried that I’d never lose the weight. 

My third pregnancy happened when I was thirty-four and my eating habits were still the same through the years, trying so hard to be ‘good’ when choosing foods and punishing myself when I ate badly. I gave birth that third time and yet still hated what I saw when I stripped down to take a shower. Nevermind that my body had just made a baby in a matter of months and grown that baby to perfection and then birthed that baby into the world, for a third time. My body was ugly, gross and I was completely ashamed and mortified with what I saw.

Three times I gave birth and three times my mind obsessed over my body, my weight, the number on the scale, the ‘before’ clothes I used to fit into, the food I ate. Three times, years apart, I missed out on my babies. I missed out on the joy of being present and building a bond. I missed out on little things and I missed out on big things. I robbed myself of a time I can never get back.

Now my sons are fifteen, eleven and five and I still struggle most days with my body image and my food. Bulimia is a constant thorn in my side and I have to work every day to keep her away. When I first started seeing a counselor in my early twenties, a few years into my eating disorder, she wisely told me that even if the act itself goes away, I would always have the disorder in my life, it would never really vanish and I would have to push it down continually. She was right. 

I am tired of trying to be this image of who I think I should be. I’m tired of not feeling good enough. I’m mad that this disorder has taken away so much for almost half of my life now. It won’t happen today or tomorrow or even next month but I want to get to that sweet spot where I can look in the mirror and see more than my dislikes. I want to see my beautiful body for all that it has done and continues to do for me day in and day out. 

I tell you my story so that if you are suffering you know that you are not alone. If you are pregnant and worried about weight I tell you it’s nothing to worry about. The weight will go away, but so will the time. Time that you will regret losing because it is precious and filled with so many new things. Time that you can never get back.

Maybe instead of looking in the mirror and defining our worth by what we see, we should look inward. Inward to see and feel and know just how amazingly miraculous our bodies are. They give us life, they carry us anywhere we want to go, they heal, they nurture others, they keep us healthy and able to do so much, they grow small humans. Seriously, when you stop and think about it, aren’t our bodies absolutely freaking amazing?